Monday, August 17, 2009

"Not Me" Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Ever feel guilty that you skip a nightly bath time simply because you can't take one.more.minute of fighting siblings, or have a "make your own PB&J" dinner night, or maybe even think "God Bless Teachers" as your loud children run off to the bus? Well stop feeling guilty and join in on "Not Me" Monday where we can be brutally honest about our imperfections.

Monday was Jacob's last day before middle school so I let him pick where we had our last lunch together. I was not happy in the least bit that he chose Culvers because I was dreading another dish of frozen custard covered in cookie dough.

It was not me who recoiled in horror as I watched a child hit her mother because she was not taking new clothes off the rack fast enough. I most certainly would be able to control my facial expressions when watching interactions between other parents and their children.

I did not choose to make cupcakes 45 minutes before the kids arrived home from school so I could lick the bowl and not share it four ways.

After my husband's clean clothes built up next to his side of the bed for a week, I did not threaten to put him on "Not Me" Monday if they were still there Sunday night. He did not laugh and blow me off. These are certainly not his folded, clean clothes right next to his dresser.

I did not spend the entire Sunday in my pajamas. That would require someone to not step one foot outside the house and I wouldn't be so unproductive.

And lastly, I am not the least bit jealous that my husband is spending the week in Ft. Lauderdale, sans kids.

1 comment:

  1. I try to do a PB&J night atleast once a week!
    Found your blog from McMama's.
