Monday, July 20, 2009


Today I offer you some advice, simply because I have nearly abandoned my blog recently and I am trying to make up for it.

Do not call a store and trust the word of a male retail clerk when shopping for a little girl's swimsuit. Just don't.
If a male answers the phone when you call to check on sizes promptly reply with "sorry, I have the wrong number" or "oh, I was trying to reach the XYZ department." Be sure you pick a department that is far different than the little girls department to ensure he doesn't say "Oh, I can help you in that department too" because that is what will happen if you call unprepared. It is almost guaranteed that a clerk working in the girls department will not be handling air tools or appliances; then promptly hang up in mid-transfer.

As I'm sure most women understand a swim set should match. Pink tops with blue flowered bottoms is not what I consider a matching set. To his credit, they did have size 6 in a few pieces but not one of them made a matching set.

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